Drafting Plans Services
In Loomis, CA
Planning to Build a New Home or Workplace?
Hire Us to Provide Drafting Services in Loomis, Granite Bay, Penryn, Newcastle, Lincoln, Rocklin or Auburn, CA
The first step in any new construction project is proper planning. Before you break ground, you need to know how big your building will be, what the layout will look like and where it will be located. That’s where Loomis Basin Builders Inc comes in. We’re proud to provide drafting services for residents in Loomis, Granite Bay, Penryn, Newcastle, Lincoln, Rocklin and Auburn, CA.
Rely on us to draw up blueprints for the Building Department to review and approve. Get your project off to a great start – schedule blueprint services today.

Starting Cost Is $5000-6500 Depending Scope of Work
When you schedule professional blueprint services with Loomis Basin Builders, we’re upfront about our fee structure for the drafting process.
We charge:
Engineering fees – from $1,000 to $2,000, depending on specs
Permit fees – between 1% and 2% of the contract’s value, as determined by your general contractor
Fire sprinkler design fees -between $1,000 and $3,000 depending on the design
CALGreen compliance fees – from 4% to 5% of the contract’s value, as determined by your general contractor
School Fees – Typically 4-5% of value of the construction contract after a price is determined by the general contractor
Inquire for all interior design needs (at an additional cost)